jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Happy birthday to me

Well, as my last post said I´ve been messing up big time...today is my birthday so there´s nothing I can do about it(there will be pizza and cake...)but tomorrow is a new day and I´ll start restricting again so I don´t end up killing myself xD (I swear, food is killing me)
Today I´ll go to Starbucks(L) with T and then walk or something with her, I miss her so much! And then I´ll come home, my father(...),godmother and my grandparents will come and we´ll follow the family tradition, eat until we can´t breath(I have to tell you about my family´s EDs in another post).
I will have a great day no matter what!

Thank you so much for the comments girls, they make me smile and feel a lot better!
I´m starting to really care about all of you, you are amazing =)
I hope your doing well

4 comentarios:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! :D Enjoy it! And indulge :) Theres always a new day to work it off again :) xx

  2. Happy birthday! You're in good company - the beautiful Chloë Sevigny and brilliant Margaret Atwood! Cut yourself a small piece of cake and make sure everyone eats the rest of it. Take care!

  3. Happy birthday lovely, hope its wonderful, don't worry about the calories too much ok :)

  4. Happy Birthday to you!! I just started following your blog and I luv it!! Im new to blogger so feel free to checkout my blog =)
