I´m ok I guess.
I fasted for 4 days and broke the fast last night with a binge, I´m so smart it scares me....
Today I ate waaay too much. 2 cheese sandwiches, a yogurt and some cereals.
I have to go to the gym if I don´t want to gain but I don´t feel like going, I want to stay home laying on my bed watching TV. I´m so lazy
I´m so tired of my weight, I want to get in the 50´s and then finally into the 40´s!
When I started the fast I weighted 67,5 kg and today I weight 62,2 kg so that´s something even if it was mostly water weight
I stayed in T´s house on Sunday and we had a lot of fun.
That´s until we watched a movie with a lot of naked girls, not porn, just a movie called Whore and well, we haven´t had sex in like 3 months so we where pretty horny haha. She kissed me and I started crying...I miss her so much, you have no idea =(
I´m very temted to get back together with her but I know she isn´t right for me so I have to fight and to not follow my impulses.
I´ll leave you some pics =)

God, I miss my bones
EDIT: I went to the gym but I´ve just binged. I hate myself so much.........